Tim Davies, Chair of Hilperton Village Hall, said: “Two years ago we carried out a similar project in the main hall and it is great to now complete the upgrade with the lounge. The new lights give a much gentler light, are much more attractive looking, are flexible with the dimmable circuits and use less than half the energy of the previous lights. This makes the lounge much more attractive for events and a more pleasant environment for Village Club Members who use the lounge Sunday to Friday every week. We are very grateful to Hilperton Parish Council which provided a grant to pay for the improvement and also to T&S Lux Electrical who completed the work.”
Ernie Clark, Chairman of Hilperton Parish Council, said: “The Parish Council is delighted to have assisted the village hall with their new lighting. If any local voluntary organisation would like to apply for a capital grant please contact either myself or the Parish Clerk.”
Pictured below Ernie Clark (right) with Tim Davies in the lounge and then Jon Lux of T & S Lux Electrical.