There will be people on hand to answer questions plus a Powerpoint show. Comment sheets for responses will be available.
The Hilperton Neighbourhood Development Plan steering group will have a tent at the village fete to be held on 10th June at Hilperton Village Hall, as part of the public consultation process.
There will be people on hand to answer questions plus a Powerpoint show. Comment sheets for responses will be available.
Live Acoustic Music Night - Saturday 20th May - doors open 7.30pm
An evening of acoustic music from local performers. Tickets £10 to include and cheese and biscuit supper. Tickets from Sonja 07814 098370 and Ros H 07787 722660. Big Quiz Night - Saturday 24th June, 7.30pm for 8pm start Teams of up to 6 people, £5 per person (adults only). Great fun and all for a very good cause! |
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August 2023
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